Selected Projects

Javascript for W#RDLE

A clone of the popular game from the New York Times. The advantage here is that it can be played with the official bank of 2,315 words without the daily limit. I enjoy language ana challenging word games. Building this with Javascript was an exercise in programming logic to create the game mechanics.

HTML5  |  CSS3  |  JavaScript
wordle game board


The NASA APOD API is an extraordinary resource. It is one of my waiting room favorites. This async fetch call returns an image, a description, and attribution data. Local storage is included for favorite images.

HTML5  |  CSS3  |  JavaScript

CRUD with Firebase

This fundamental CRUD app is made practical on a daily basis by adding the backend functionality provided by Firebase.

HTML5  |  CSS3  |  JavaScript  |   Firebase

React Chat App

This real-time chat app built with React also leverages Firebase's BaaS for Google sign-in authentication and their cloud-based NoSQL database server. It would make a practical addition to a larger scale application.

React  |   Firebase